June & July Pastor’s Pen
As we enter in this season of Pentecost, the birth and life of the church by the power of the Holy Spirit, I am ever so mindful of the words that Jesus left with us, “lo, I will be with you always!” What wonderful comforting and assuring words from our Savior to know that Jesus will always be with us through the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, as we continue to live out the Kingdom of God. It is in this season of Pentecost that we also celebrate 150 years of ministry of Stuart – Mt. Vernon UMC. Glory to God Amen! I pray that you are just as excited about the ideas of celebrating ministry in “150” different ways. On the bulletin board in the hall way by the class rooms I invite you to share a moment or something that happened at church or in ministry to the community that you just knew it was God’s love at work. We’ll call these Glory Sightings. There are papers and markers for you to share. I pray we can get at least 150 Glory Sightings by September. On your mark…get set…go! In the meantime, it is time for me to take some vacation time and attend Annual Conference as well. I continue to elicit your prayers for the 2020 delegate nominees and the decisions made at this year’s conference. Lord Have Mercy! As of now I will be gone the following dates: May 31—June 4 Vacation time June 7—June 11 Annual Conference June 13—June 20 Vacation time June 29—July 5 Vacation time Pulpit supply will be the following: June 2nd Janna Nelson June 9th Rev. Art Allen June 16th Rev. Jane Shepherd June 23rd Pastor LaTonya (If there are any “emergencies” please contact Rev. Art Allen at 515.419.4371)
loving God heart, mind, soul, and strength pastor latonya