June Pastors Pen
June Pastor’s Pen
As we enter in this season of Pentecost, the birth and life of the church by the power of the Holy Spirit, I am ever so mindful of the words that Jesus left with us, ”lo, I will be with you always!” What wonderful comforting and assuring words from our Savior. To know that Jesus will always be with us through the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, but more importantly in this world as we continue to live out the Kingdom of God Jesus is with us.
How many times have we said or reassured ourselves when a loved one dies that even though they are not present with us physically on the earth they are with us always in our heart and minds for their spirit remains with us—that spirit that never dies. But the difference between the spirit of a loved one being with us and Jesus saying he will always be with us is in the intent. The former is to reassure us, make us “feel good” while the latter is to make us “do good.”
All too often pastors take on these words of Jesus… “I will be with you always” and live them out in their daily ministries of serving God’s people by doing good. They forget or neglect to take time and for themselves and care for themselves by rejuvenating their minds, souls and bodies. I am guilty! Pastors are to take 4 weeks of vacation and 2 weeks of spiritual renewal time. At the beginning of April I realized I had not taken any time off.
To that end I will be gone the following dates.
May 30—June 6 Vacation time
June 8—June 11 Annual Conference
June 13—July 5 Vacation time
During my time away the following people will supply the pulpit.
June 3rd Rev. Art Allen
June 10th Janna Nelson
June 17th Rev. Dennis Shepherd
June 24th Janna Nelson
July 1st Caleb Fairchild
As I will be away please know… “lo, I will be with you in spirit (smile)”
(If there are any “emergencies” please contact Rev. Ben Carter Allen at 515.745.0608)
Loving God heart, mind, soul, and strength,
Pastor LaTonya