Seek and you shall find

Seek and you shall find

In July I celebrated two years as your pastor! (How time files!) The first year I just began settling into my new ministry setting. Getting use to a new routine and worship service. I spent hours working on power point slides for worship which was brand new and very exciting to me.

The second year I focused on getting to know the people of God a little more by spending time and having conversations. Lunch with the Pastor and Table talk was great for that and I pray for more time with you to get to know you more and for you to get to know me more as well.

Now in my third year I would like to spend time figuring out what it is that God is calling us to do. Getting clarity about our mission and vision and then with intentionality living that out. In this effort the Administrative Leaders have agreed to engage a Conference wide initiative call the Healthy Church Initiative (HCI) to help us in this process. This process focuses Leadership Development, Communication, Outreach and Evangelism and has 3 phases:

Phase 1: Continuous Learning Community

Phase 2: Consultation

Phase 3: Coaching

At each phase the Administrative Leaders choose whether or not to enter a phase so at this time we are just committed to engaging phase 1. But we need your help. We realize that the leaders don’t make up the church but rather all members and friends do. So we are asking for everyone to prayerfully consider taking part in phase 1. What is the commitment I hear you ask?

Your presence and taking part of the conversations

We will meet every 1st Wednesday of the month beginning September 5th ending May 1st from 6:00 – 9:00 pm.

One book a month, for a total of 8 will be used for each session beginning with the second session on October 3rd. (Assistance will be offered in purchasing books.)

All members and friends will be asked to pray for this process even if you cannot join these sessions and all will be asked to complete the Natural Church Development Survey that will establish a baseline in order to track results of the process.

If you will say yes and join us in these sessions please notify me or Debbie Wilson. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and I am excited to enter this 3rd year of ministry with HCI.

Loving God heart, mind, soul, and strength,

Pastor LaTonya


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