Come, Advent Spirit, Come!

Come, Advent Spirit, Come!


‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and didn’t do anything to help you?’ 45 Then he will answer, ‘I assure you that when you haven’t done it for one of the least of these, you haven’t done it for me.’

Matthew 25:44-45

This scripture was part of the lectionary gospel scripture November 26th the Sunday before Advent. How fitting it is to hear these words as an end to our Christian year for it reminds me of what really matters throughout my Christian journey. It is also fitting to hear these words as an entrance into the Advent season for it was Christ who brought us our 2nd greatest commandment… to love one another. In receiving the gift of Christ we also receive this commandment of Christ and the two are not exclusive to one another.

I was so thankful to attend a workshop on poverty a few weeks ago. It helped me wade through some of my misconceptions, and privileges that hinder me from reaching out to those impoverished and less fortunate. Please take a moment and read Janna Nelson’s report (page 5) on this workshop for there are some good questions that I invite us to take some time and answer. If you feel that God is calling you to help us be more intentional about this work please have a conversation with me…the sooner the better!

Finally as we enter into this Advent season I would like to share with you series of sermons preached during the Iowa UMC Clergy Women’s Convocation held November 12-14. The four sermons that I refer to are: The Annunciation: Celebrating our Call, Mary & Elizabeth Pregnant Together, The Magnificat, and No Room at the Inn. I will not use these sermons in their entirety but rather share quotes and their message of inspiration to me during advent and I pray they bless you as well. I also want to invite you to attend the Adult Sunday School class at 9:00 am Sunday mornings as they spend time with Joseph presented by Adam Hamilton. I don’t know about you but all this sounds exciting! Come, Advent Spirit, Come!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Pastor latonya


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